Getting Started with Web Components – a Beginners Guide

Getting Started with Web Components – a Beginners Guide

What are web components? Technology keeps changing every day, and the growth of the web is something we can all witness directly through millions of devices that can connect to the internet. Decades ago, front-end development only involved simple tech stacks to deliver user interfaces. This method wasn’t as efficient because front-end developers could not…

16 Tips on How to Improve Your Coding Skills

16 Tips on How to Improve Your Coding Skills

A lot of skills are needed to make a good software developer: management, communication, teamwork, coding skills, etc. While it takes time and experience to improve all these skills; impressive coding skills are required from software developers at all levels. It is expected of all software developers to be good coders regardless of the years…

Image Recognition Tutorial in Python for Beginners

Image Recognition Tutorial in Python for Beginners

This tutorial focuses on Image recognition in Python Programming. The tutorial is designed for beginners who have little knowledge in machine learning or in image recognition. Environment Setup The tools that we are going to use in this tutorial are: Python 3 Matplotlib Numpy scikit-learn/ sklearn You can install Python from Download Python. Remember to…

How to Get Started with Backend Web Developement

How to Get Started with Backend Web Developement

The web is a powerful platform. Names such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, Alibaba, Wikipedia are well known today. These organizations have leveraged on the power of the web and built solutions that have solved some of the world’s problems. Staying away from web applications is a difficult task today. Your emails, social media, writing tools…

How to Become a Freelance Web Developer

How to Become a Freelance Web Developer

Are you considering becoming a freelance web developer? People go into freelancing for various reasons such as making more money, improving their skills in specific fields of their interests or to work under their personal schedule without overhead supervision. Regardless of your reason for wanting to be a freelance web developer, it initially takes hard…

How to Prepare for a Front End Developer Interview

How to Prepare for a Front End Developer Interview

In whichever field one may choose to pursue, interviews are not always a walk in the park. Neither is front-end development an exception in this regard. You may just have cleared your studies, a short computer programming course, or you just want to switch careers and step into the front-end development field and are wondering…

How to master HTML and CSS

How to master HTML and CSS

Website design and development has changed significantly over the past decade to bring forth highly interactive and responsive user interfaces we see around the internet. Before a website goes live, designers and developers go through a rigorous process that involves planning, visual designing, development, and testing. Developing a website involves combining several languages that work…

How does Machine Learning work? And how to Learn it

How does Machine Learning work? And how to Learn it

AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning are terms you often hear these days. You are using these technologies every day. Big companies like Google, Netflix, Amazon, and Facebook are using machine learning extensively to deliver quality products. How does machine learning work? Machine Learning is the ability for computers to learn as a human does….